Things To do

HMAS Sydney II Memorial
The magnificent HMAS Sydney II Memorial is the country's premier site for honouring the 645 Australian sailors who were lost off the WA coast during World War II

St Francis Xavier Catherdral
This spectacular cathedral was designed by Monsignor John Hawes and took 22 years to build! It is the heart of the CBD and looks amazing both at day and night.

Geraldton Museum
Discover ancient landforms, Aboriginal history and culture, and the Midwest's unique natural landscapes and marine environment

The Esplanade
The better way to see all of the Geraldton Foreshore and Midwest Port Authority than at the Esplanade!

Coronation Beach
An amazing pink lake created by presence of carotenoid-producing algae Dunaliella salina, a source of ß-carotene, a food-colouring agent and source of vitamin A. It is located in Port Gregory. Taking around 90 km or 1 hour away.

Pink Lake
An amazing pink lake created by presence of carotenoid-producing algae Dunaliella salina, a source of ß-carotene, a food-colouring agent and source of vitamin A. It is located in Port Gregory. Taking around 90 km or 1 hour away.

Wildflower - Mullewa
Mullewa is the Northern gateway to Wildflower Country and has long been known for the stunning displays of everlastings and flowering shrubs along roadsides and in surrounding nature reserves of the district.

Principality of Hutt River
Hutt River is an independent sovereign state having seceded from Australia on 21 April, 1970. The town site of Nain has been developed with a number of building designed to provide facilities for visitors

Waminda Wildlife Sanctuary
Waminda is a dedicated wildlife sanctuary and it is a home to a variety of rescued native animals and endangered plants.
Owner, Ian and Chaliaw intent to continue to use the property for education, tourism and protection and rehabilitation of native wildlife.